Performance style of F.Chopin cello sonata op 65 in (g) minor

Document Type : Research Papers


Cello teacher, Faculty of Specific Education, South Valley University


The cello instrument appeared within the group of stringed 
instruments that was called at that time the name of the Viol 
instrument. The size and industry, which resulted in the method 
of holding and playing it, and the development of performance 
techniques on it in a manner commensurate with the role required 
of it. There were many attempts by composers and 
instrumentalists in different European schools to develop playing 
techniques to perform some compositions such as concertos, 
sonatas and some free pieces that contain a lot of playing 
techniques that work On improving performance, such as 
Chopin's sonata for cello and piano op 65, which will be 
addressed by the researcher. The research includes the research 
problem, research objectives, research importance, research 
questions, research procedures, and search terms.
The research is divided into two parts:
Part one: Theoretical framework:
-About the Romantic period.
-About Chopin.
The second part: the practical framework:
-An analytical study of the techniques of the right and left hands 
with some suggestions to clarify how to perform.
Then the research concluded with results, recommendations, 
Arabic and foreign references, and a summary of the research in 
Arabic and foreign languages
