Music Therapy for children “Goals, Ambitions and Challenges

Document Type : Research Papers


Ms Resrearch, In cultural and musical sciences, Tunisia University


Music therapy is a growing field dedicated to promoting health and well-being to a variety of groups of people of all ages in various settings especially children and preschoolers in schools. There is an ever-growing quantity of research validating the benefits of music therapy for children with emotional and behavioral needs. However, most of the current research focuses on behavioral approaches to music therapy with children, and lacks in-depth explanations of practical frameworks surrounding the process (i.e., organizing, planning and implementing a group) for non-directive children’s music therapy groups focused on emotional needs. This research explores the practical framework surrounding a music therapy for children, Focusing on its goals, ambitions and challenges. A music therapy method which was frequently utilized in the group therapy process for this study, is active music therapy. Active music therapy, an experience in which clients play or improvise music is based on the idea that every human being has a natural ability to create and respond to sounds in an expressive way. Active music therapy can be a tool for entering into the pre-conscious level of one’s experience, communicating emotional and symbolic meanings that may be difficult to articulate verbally.


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